House of Gucci

As a film, House of Gucci is all over the shop. It’s by design. The main job of the director — in this case, Ridley Scott — is tone wrangler. It seems at times as if the actors are each the star of their own movie. Somehow it all coalesces into a coherent work. It’s […]


For a while there, people were saying Ridley Scott had lost his mojo; The Councillor being Exhibit A. Prometheus is a film which has its fans and its detractors, and each side has valid arguments. It may not be the Alien film we wanted, but it is the one we got. Mankind has a fascination […]

Martian, Martian, Martian!

You know how there’ll be a movie that all the critics are raving about, and you think that there ain’t no way that movie can be that good? Well Sparky, The Martian is that good. It’s *that* good. IT’S THAT GOOD! Sorry for yelling. I’m not saying Ridley Scott is back, but I cannot remember […]

Halt and Catch Fire “1984”

In last week’s episode of Halt and Catch Fire, Joe saw the future of PCs–the Macintosh. And since this week’s episode is titled “1984,” it wasn’t to much of a leap to assume that the infamous Super Bowl ad directed by Ridley Scott would play a part. So now it seems that the whole wide […]