Sports Leftovers 2014

Generally speaking, I am not a fan of college football. One reason is the NCAA. I will give them credit for FINALLY figuring out that a playoff is a good thing. But of course, I am writing this before the games take place, so I reserve the right to complain at a later date. One […]

Leftovers 2014

I got some stuff lying around, collecting dust. Most of them are half baked ideas that were abandoned, or never got past the “Hmm…” stage. Others were too short for their own post, yet longer than a tweet. So, I decided to lump some of them togther in a post, and what the result may […]

A Question of Aspect

Sometime around 1987, Siskel and Ebert did a special about home video, and one of the topics discussed was letterboxing versus pan and scan. At the time, I was unfamiliar with those terms, but I had noticed that when I saw a film on television, it looked very different from how it was shown in […]

So… Is Krypton the Prequel to Smallville?

Almost fifteen months ago, I asked the question: “Is Gotham the best bad idea Warner Bros. could think of?” With hindsight comes clarity, and if I had to do it all over again, I would make one major change to that post. What would that change be? I would change the part where I called […]

Sons of Anarchy “Papa’s Goods”

As with most of my predictions, I got the Sons of Anarchy finale totally wrong. I don’t even know why I bother sometimes. My theory is that if I can predict what is going to happen, then it isn’t a very good story. If I can’t predict the ending, then it must be pretty good. […]

Sons of Anarchy

I never planned on watching Sons of Anarchy–I just sort of did. The premiere episode was repeated a number of times on many of the Fox owned networks, and basically the reason I watched it was because it was on the late, lamented, Speed. I must have liked what I saw, since I stuck around […]